What do you think? and since I am here what is on todays menu?
♪♫NancyLiz ® ♫♪ ™
2009-06-06 20:22:33 UTC
If walls were to talk
would we listen?
the tales and shock
told with precision?

the fly upon the wall
wrote down
and put it in a book
would your curiosity
make you take a look?

I wonder sometimes
what we’d do
if we really knew

what transpired
between these
and behind
the closed doors
of your mind....
Nine answers:
2009-06-07 02:10:34 UTC
This is the fly

that dropped the eggs

that hatched the maggots

that ate the thoughts

that lived in the mind

that Jack built.

These are the flies

that created the noise

that drown out the sound

that opened the eyes

that lived in the heart

that Jack built
LaGail R
2009-06-07 15:17:49 UTC
Amazing Grace
2009-06-07 10:33:49 UTC
I was thinking you'd die of boredom til I got to the last line but if it's behind the closed doors of my mind you'd be peeking watch out! Bring some dramamine and lots of booze

BTW, where AM I? What the heck is Yala?
2009-06-07 04:25:40 UTC
I heard they were serving chocolate covered strawberries as a midnight snack. I'm in! Mmmmmm.... Delicioso! More por favor! Mmmmm....

Muy bien! Buenas Noches mis amigas. Enjoy the party!
2009-06-07 04:14:08 UTC
Yala! Yala! Yala! Got to figure out what it is!

I would not like to be a fly on the wall

nor would I read the book of tales tall

What IS on the menu? Yala?

Good night :)
2009-06-07 03:51:35 UTC
Strawberries in dark chuckle-late huh?

Well my dear you look rested and well.

This brings a smile to my face.

If you should chose to take that poetry advice

inform me so I can sample of your vice.
2009-06-07 05:36:21 UTC
wow, lovely and deep little poem, loved the last 2 lines, soo creative and evocative
2009-06-07 04:02:38 UTC
We would be scandalized no doubt...or rolling on the floor with laughter =))

I don't think I would want to know even...hmpft. Would spoil the eulogy!
Duncan w ™ ®
2009-06-07 04:32:53 UTC
if my walks could only talk

they'd say, "This is boring,

let's go for a walk."

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.